We spent a glorious week in Hawaii to attend Scott's older brother Jason's beach wedding. It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime-trips...sigh! We stayed in an amazing beach house that had huge windows through which you could only see sky and ocean. We had the beach in our back yard. We slept to the sound of the ocean every night, and woke up to walks on the beach with warm mugs of coffee in our hands.
I got to wear a flower in my hair everyday...be barefooted a lot...and get really brown from being sun kissed everyday....I found my bliss in being a wanna be island girl for at least a week!
I teared up at the beautiful heartfelt wedding of Jason and Marsha, held at sunset on the gorgeous Papa'iloa beach. The entire wedding party was barefooted and lei'd for the beautiful ceremony, present to celebrate the handsome couple as they made their vows to each other. A true celebration of love!
Jason and Marsha tie the knot! |
Scott and I spent a lot of time with his folks going for long hikes with breathtaking views of Hawaii, eating at local eateries all along the North Shore and in our quaint little town of Haleiwa...the highlight was the shrimp scampi from a local shrimp truck on the North Shore, Giovanni's, I still dream of that shrimp! We grilled fresh fish and made mango margaritas from mangoes bought at the local farmers market...we sipped on local passion fruit wine and ate Scott's homemade yum guacamole. Beach life was gooood!
Beautiful Diane with the wind in her hair~the Lighthouse hike |
Sunrise over Hawaii-Diamond Head |
We visited various beaches, swam in a gorgeous waterfall, saw the most colorful birds. Scott and I paddle boarded with sea turtles swimming...gliding....so gracefully under our paddle boards and popping their heads up besides us.
Anytime we were alone we inevitably got asked if we were honeymooners :) ....and our response was always 'not yet, but soon!'

Finally to the story that inspired this blog post- Sea Kayaking. My most favorite part of our trip was the sea kayaking trip....though this statement is still a dispute in our household today :) We planned on renting sea kayaks and following a map from a local adventure company. We were river kayakers after all, we didn't need a guide...pffft! We were also taking individual kayaks vs. taking out a tandem one. Enter 'Crazy Bob' who gave us all the instructions on our sea kayaking trip. It started off pretty standard with him showing us the map with 3 islands off the coast. The first was the easy island to paddle to...20 minutes away. Scott and I scoffed at this one...too easy! Next was a beautiful island which was a protected bird sanctuary that was a 45 minute paddle distance away, kayakers were allowed to land there but you have to follow a very strict sea route to get there. And the third island was off limits to land on. Scott and I glanced at each other & said "second island" in unison...definitely the second island.
So crazy Bob proceeds to tell us the 'route' to get to the second beautiful island 3 miles away...that went something like this "...you have to paddle away from the island and not directly towards it. If you leave this path you are in dangerous waters and people have died doing this! Launching and landing the kayak with the waves are the hardest part as it can capsize your boat. Once you reach the island you can explore but make sure when you walk around the rocky terrain that it's not high tide, as the waves will slam you up against the rocks and 6 people have been reported dead there!!'....sooooo after this super encouraging instructional talk I'm admittedly scared and jittery! After I admit to 'crazy Bob' that I'm nervous...his response...are you on your honeymoon? are you Pakistani and don't be nervous unless you have a life insurance policy against you. "Huh?" He proceeds to tell us about a Pakistani couple honeymooning there who go kayaking in a tandem kayak. They find the husband washed up on the island who tells authorities they were attacked by a shark and his wife went down while he clung to the kayak. He then went back to Pakistan and cashed in on the huge life insurance policy he had taken out on his new bride. When the authorities eventually find his wife's body, there are no signs of a shark attack on her or the kayak!! I thank crazy Bob for that lovely story that has helped me calm my nerves...NOT! LOL

We proceed to the beach where we are going to launch our kayaks.We had heard that we chose the perfect day as the wind speed was low, and the waves were moderate. We find ourselves on one of the most postcard perfect beaches...white sand, crystal blue waters and blue skies. Scott' parents lay on the beach and watch us launch our kayaks and until we push off past the waves into the blue.
Sea warriors before our 6 mile journey |
While we paddled out into the blue waters, the scene laid out before us was breathtaking. We had kitesurfers all around us with their colorful kites catching the wind. We had paragliders dotting the blue skies...and we had fellow kayakers in the distance making it to the 'easy' island. It's was the most perfect day and I took it all in wanting to preserve this moment forever...trying to imprint it into my brain. We pass the 'easy' island with ease. This island looks flat and boring and we see a lot of kayakers landing there and on the island exploring it. We paddle on and Scott and I are having a grand old time, with our sights set on the second island looming in the distance...and then the wind picked up! It got harder and harder to feel like we were even moving forward. The wind was hitting us head on and if we even took a break you were moving backward and losing mileage...so we paddled on without a break. I got more and more frustrated and it was now mind over matter. The island was like a mirage, seemed so close but was yet so far.
Scott saw how hard it was for me with the wind and gave me more than one out...which I never took. He tried to get me to hold on to his kayak saying he would pull me along. "Never" I said...I'm not a weakling..I will do this with my own power even if it kills me. He asked if I'd like to turn back....as we saw so many others do along the way. "As if"...I said exasperated. He also pointed out that I was the only girl in my own kayak trying to make it to the second island. I look around and notice the only others heading to the second island are either men or tandem kayakers with a girl and a guy...usually a pretty beefy looking guy who's obviously doing most of the work. And now I was even more determined to make it...it now became a challenge. 'Challenge' I call it...Scott's calls it 'pride'...'pot-a-to'....'poo-taa-toe'....whatever!
I ducked my head from the wind, gritted my teeth and kept paddling at a constant steady pace...it almost seemed impossible to make it. I got my second wind when Scott said 'Ang, look right besides you'. And there they were, a mommy sea turtle and her baby swimming right besides us. The baby kept bobbing his/her head up in the water right next to my kayak and my heart melted. I paddled right besides them talking to the baby 'Hiiiii honey, I'm coming with you....you're so cute!!....awwww' yup I'm a bit crazy hehe.
You know that saying that you really get to know yourself in times of crisis and/or under great stress...oh boy did I get to know myself. I had no grace under pressure! hehe...I was cussing the wind, the waves, the island. Scott on the other hand looked like he was gliding along smoothly. There was one point when I had to shoo Scott away from me so I don't ruin his experience with my cussing out loud. He pulled ahead of me....and at one point he looked back and I was doing the ugly cry out of pure frustration while digging my paddle into the surf..LOL! Scott said "Thank God this is not our honeymoon!" LOL
It took us two hours of continuous paddling to land on the island. We almost thought we'd get applauded when we landed on the beach. It really felt like I had completed the Ironwoman! It was a huge accomplishment and as I've tried to explain to a skeptical Scott over and over...it was so worth the sweat and tears...and I would do it again a heart beat. We lay on the white sand beach, ate our lunch, swam together in the blue waters, floated on our back looking at the blue skies and just took it all in. We asked fellow kayakers to take our picture and as we kissed...she looked up smiling and asked "Awww are you guys on your honeymoon?"....."NO" we said in unison and burst out laughing!